Borrowing Guidelines

Borrowing Guidelines

My Library Day is.....

Monday: Grades 5, 3, 2, 1 and Kindergarten

Wednesday: Grades 4, 6 and Pre-School

All books are due on Mondays or Wednesdays so students can select a new book.  Of course, books may be returned any school day, but it is easiest for your child to do this on their Library Day. Books may be renewed twice for a total of 3 weeks.  Bring books in each week to renew them in person. 


How Many Books?

All Grades:

Students may select 2 books for a loan period of one week.  Students cannot check out another book until the original one is returned.


Responsible Borrowers:

We encourage students to be responsible borrowers and to return library books when due.  We also encourage students to take proper care of all library materials.  We do not fine students for overdue books, but if students do have overdue books, they will be unable to borrow further materials from the library until their overdue books are returned.  When needed for longer, books may be renewed.

In the event a book is lost or damaged we respectfully request payment of the purchase price or a replacement copy of the item.


Families, Guardians, and Mentors:

You are welcome to check out books from the library.  The best time to visit the library is before or after school. We are staffed on Mondays and Wednesdays during the school day.  Should you need to borrow materials on a different day, please let the main office know you are here.  Use the sign-out sheet on the wall by the door.  All book returns should be placed in the return bin by the librarians desk.



Overdue notices are printed out as needed.  They are sent home with the student but will be mailed home as needed, and included in report card envelopes.  Students will lose check out privileges until books are returned.  Students may use the save box to hold their chosen book for a week so until the overdue book is returned.  

A few helpful reminders:  Find a handy place to keep your child's library book at home.  Read and share your child's book choice together often.  "Loved" books are less likely to be misplaced! Help young children remember to pack their library book in time for library day. 


Reading takes you places!

Page author: Audri Miller, Library Media Specialist.